Answer Financial

The Ultimate Rental Car Checklist (Before You Drive Off)

The Ultimate Rental Car Checklist (Before You Drive Off)

The Ultimate Rental Car Checklist (Before You Drive Off)

When you rent a car, you should become familiar with all aspects of the vehicle before you leave the lot. Here are 10 things to check before you drive off:

  1. Start the Car
  2. Turn on the Air Conditioning or Heat
  3. Look in the Glove Compartment
  4. Check the Gas Gauge
  5. Familiarize Yourself with Safety Features
  6. Inspect the Exterior
  7. Pop the Trunk
  8. Try Out the Lights
  9. Adjust the Seat and Mirrors
  10. Test the Entertainment and Navigation Systems

When traveling, arriving at your destination can mean rushing to the rental car counter and wanting to dash to the car to get on the road. But before you take off, it may be a good idea to familiarize yourself with the rental vehicle. You don’t want to be fumbling for the controls and adjusting your settings while driving — especially when you’re navigating a new vehicle and unfamiliar roads. Before you rent a car, make sure you have adequate coverage, and run through this checklist before driving off the lot to help ensure a safe and comfortable ride:

1. Start the Car

2. Turn on the Air Conditioning or Heat

3. Look in the Glove Compartment

4. Check the Gas Gauge

5. Familiarize Yourself with Safety Features

6. Inspect the Exterior

7. Pop the Trunk

8. Try Out the Lights

9. Adjust the Seat and Mirrors

10. Test the Entertainment and Navigation Systems

By running through these 10 items, you can help make sure your trip goes as smoothly as possible.

Who is Answer Financial?

Sometimes rental cars can be fully or partially covered through your auto insurance policy. At Answer Financial, we’re happy to talk with you about the right insurance for your individual needs. Call 1-888-737-7000 to talk about auto insurance with one of our insurance experts now or visit our site to quickly compare quotes from over 30+ top-rated insurance companies.

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