Author: Chad Catacchio

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Why car insurance companies offer competitors’ rates – and why it’s great for you

By Chad Catacchio

If you’ve ever shopped for insurance online, you may have noticed that certain car insurance companies also reveal quotes, or at least estimates, from…

A destructed commercial building

Earthquake insurance policies skyrocket after quakes

By Chad Catacchio

In a previous post, we addressd the fact that earthquakes can strike nearly anywhere on Earth. This year we’ve seen two devastating quakes on the Pacific Rim, first in…

GPS - usage based auto insurance

Is usage-based car insurance good for consumers?

By Chad Catacchio

A number of major auto insurance companies are adopting pilot programs around so called usage-based car insurance tracking and benchmarking technologies (including GPS, OnStar,…

Vintage photo of window shopping at Simpsons

4 reasons to periodically check for car insurance rates

By Chad Catacchio

Here’s a question for you – when was the last time you spent five minutes checking to see if you are getting as much…

Shopping Cart keyboard button

One in five people say they have purchased car insurance online

By Chad Catacchio

One in five US respondents to a recent comScore survey said that they have purchased car insurance online, and 32% of those surveyed who…