Answer Financial

3 Reasons to Prepare for a Hurricane When Skies Are Still Blue

It's important to financially prepare for a hurricane, especially if you own your home.

June 1 marked the official return of the Atlantic hurricane season, when most (Atlantic) hurricanes typically form and emergency officials step up pleas for us to make storm preparations.

But whether you downplay the risks of a hurricane, you haven’t experienced a hurricane before or you simply become overwhelmed at the thought, you may tend to put those preparations off, waiting until the skies cloud up and weather warnings are deployed.

There are, however, convincing reasons not to postpone preparations. Here are three advantages to getting prepared early in the season:

Skip the Long Lines

If you wait until the last minute to purchase emergency provisions, you risk having to wait in long lines to buy them (if you find them at all). Take any hurricane. As the storm approaches, media outlets show images of shoppers scrambling for last-minute purchases of food and water.

Buying your emergency essentials now may help keep you out of a similar situation. suggests some basics1:

Refine Your Emergency Plans

Another great benefit of starting hurricane plans early is that you can test and refine emergency procedures before you need them. Here are some measures suggests you put in place:

More Time to Fortify Your Home

Making hurricane preparations early can also afford you the time to make home improvements that may help defend your property during a storm.  The Federal Alliance for Safe Homes (FLASH) says there are “affordable methods and products” that can help minimize hurricane damage4, including:

(Always use a reputable local contractor or service provider for these types of projects.)

Who is Answer Financial?

Preparing for a hurricane is essential, but purchasing adequate hurricane coverage when you move to a hurricane region should be step #1. At Answer Financial, we’re happy to talk with you about the right coverage for your needs. Call 1-888-737-7000 to talk about flood protection with one of our insurance experts now or visit our site to quickly compare rates and customize coverages from multiple companies.

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